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Postby Flasurf » Tue Jan 04, 2005 6:37 pm

Guys sorry had to do this but here at my closest and most overrated wave we have a forum lik this and i had to post his comments and gotta hear your comments on it .I tryed to explain to this guy that its all bout respect and this guy from Texas was a mile away from respect but anyways read and enjoy .Doesnt get much better thn this.

So I'm on a plane last week flipping through the latest issue of SURFING with Rob Macahdo barreled on the cover. The only reason I bought the ad-dripping magazine in the first place was because the airport racks don't sell anything cool like Longboarder, Surfer's Path, etc

..anyway I'm flipping through and notice this article on some Hawaiian gangsta wannabe named KALA ALEXANDER.. being bored i start reading it, and figure out pretty quick that this is the idiot who beat the Texas kid up on the beach in the clip that was posted earlier. Now this isnt the guy that got swung at in the water, this is the next moron - a grown MAN who decided to try and kill the KID from Texas *after* he'd already been beat up. Remember, the "tough guy" who had to pick fight #2 to show off for his butt buddies on the beach?

Anyway, supposedly he's living out some "Da Hui" type fantasy over there with a bunch of guys who call themselves the "Wolf Pak" or the "fudge pack" or something like that and have self-declared themselves the "protectors of pipeline".. basically they terrorize people it sounds like, and try to justify it by saying they make Pipeline safer for the locals.. and SURFING is apparently trying to make a celebrity out of him.. but thats another issue.. back to the kid on the beach.

Remember this fool's name: KALA ALEXANDER. Grown man THUG. Beats up on KIDS that have already been assaulted.

I'm calling this guy out.. this dude is a BULLY and a doofus. Yet, SURFING runs a full article on the guy, apparently trying to make him into the Suge Knight of surfing or something.. like we need that ghetto crap all over again, this time strumming ukeleles.

PLEASE. Anybody can pick fights and assault people. Heck, i could walk up behind him in Foodtown and klunk him on the head with a frying pan.. would that get ME a SURFING interview? Might as well..

KALA, try coming over here to my FLORIDA beach and pulling a stunt like that. I've got a Mossberg with your name on it waiting just for you.

Sorry bros, had to get that off my chest..

SURFING mag sucks

In case you wanna see what a shining star this doofus is, heres a new clip I found of the 2nd part of the fight.. this guy needs to be locked up.. that's attempted murder if you ask me.

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Postby Haoleboy » Tue Jan 04, 2005 7:01 pm

Yup..he's mean and scary...everyone better stay home.

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Postby HMARK » Tue Jan 04, 2005 9:05 pm

I'm calling this guy out.. this dude is a BULLY and a doofus. Yet, SURFING runs a full article on the guy, apparently trying to make him into the Suge Knight of surfing or something.. like we need that ghetto crap all over again, this time strumming ukeleles.

Is not ignorance great? So some rag spends time & advertising dollar to promote the badass part of the tribe. Ohhhh. and strumming Uke's. Please oh fucking, please, dont associate surfing with some ilk like Suge Knight. Fuck. If you cant get a rhtyhm w/o stealing a beat from some past shit, none of the rap shit is music.

Promoting hate (Kala A) and his brand of surf "pussies" are the norm in the advertising world. Tatooed Love Boys. You cant call A guy out, the fucker will have 10 boys (!) behind waiting. Fair? Not.

N shore has become over run. So has S in da summer. But -----and I still got a BIG ONE -------We find our nuggets of joy and surf stoke whenever it may come. Kala fuckers be damned - You will find the stoke, you will find the time, patience and desire to persue the sweet dream that is surfing....If you really want it.

Better get that second beer.

~ God created surfboards so the truly gifted would not rule the world ~

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Postby LGREANZ » Tue Jan 04, 2005 9:38 pm

KALA, try coming over here to my FLORIDA beach and pulling a stunt like that. I've got a Mossberg with your name on it waiting just for you.

great line.

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Postby slap a dap » Tue Jan 04, 2005 10:07 pm

........I'd rather look at my avatar than read mindless stuff like all this! :D

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Postby maleko » Wed Jan 05, 2005 10:44 am

calling a guy out on the internet??? sounds like something another guy does.

aren't you coming over here and staying at the Koolina?

becareful L^]
just don't act a fool and you'll be AU RYTE.
Everybody talkin, talkin , talkin dat trash



Postby flarob » Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:04 am

yes that was a post from 2ndlight.com a local surfspot around central florida.That kooky guy was going off bout this guy like he knows him.I was out there last summer so i know not to act like afool.Thks for help guys.Thinking bout switching revs from there to waikiki again .


Postby Guest » Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:55 am

the fudge pack(mostly imbreds from kawai) is the stupidist thing to happen to surfing since flexi fins and thoes half moon noses on the deck. the best thing is just to stay away from them and write them off behind their back. hahaha. or just don't go out pipe. there's 60 other spots you will get good waves anyway,
I hate how during the pipe comp the comentator were giving them way to much publicity.


Postby jah » Wed Jan 05, 2005 1:13 pm

Flasurf, use quotes next time. I thought you were saying all those comments for a second. I reread and realized you were quoting someone from another BB.

........I'd rather look at my avatar than read mindless stuff like all this!

I agree!! 8)


Postby soloman » Wed Jan 05, 2005 3:25 pm

ahhhhhhh, da pipeline posse... legends in their own minds.

they forgot that humility is a big part of true greatness. those that seek to dominate ALWAYSgo down hard, this is true. brudda kala stay racking up some negative karma pointage, big time. i hope he's feeding off of all this hype, it'll take him down sooner.

no forget lance ho'okano, brian surratt, dave ontai, and the rest of the circus. these guys only claim to fame is their arrogance, negativity, and self-absorption. centers of their own universes.

no worry about guys like that. the universe has a way of putting things in order. too much take, then you pay heavier dues. notice one "flea virotsko" or something. big ego, impossible to like. got his for millions of peoplle worldwide to see. it evens out.

it takes a better man to walk away from a fight. don't get me wrong, i've lost control of myself, before, and said the wrong things. i remind you that this was in ANGER, not with a cool head. it happens. yes, i've called out people, too. not smart. but we all do stupid shit, at least the ones who're human. some of us show our asses by letting our sexual perversions be known to the world. others are shameless in their quest for photo-fame. while still others just try to piss others off. everyone has their own idiosyncracies, noone's shit is sweet.

my advice to the man angry wit kala is to just stay away. if he's gotten to you, and he has, then he wins. simply ignore him the way i'm ignored on this bb. by doing so, you remove his power over your emotions.

so, just be cool. and things will be cool to you. stir the pot, and reap the consequences...


ps- august is a shittty time to visit. can you say, "DOLDRUMS?

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Postby Puerto_Rico_Surfer » Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:55 pm

Solo dont be too hard on yourself, you have really chilled out lately and its good. Besides I dont think anyone is ignoring you on the BB. Good to have ya back.


Postby Jah » Wed Jan 05, 2005 7:44 pm

Good post solo, it reminds me of my new years day. It was a great day of snowboarding in the local mountains. Driving home was a nightmare even for LA standards. 4+ hours to drive a 2 hour drive. There was this section of road that merged and everyone was trying to jam into 1 lane. I had 2 cars on my right merging into my lane and was reluctant to let them in but everything worked out. Then out of no where an 18 wheeler comes barreling down the road and wants to squeeze his way in. Well 18 wheelers don't squeeze to easily. His driver door was even with my truck and expected me to stop and let him in, it just didn't make sense to me. I pull up 10 feet and everything is cool. Well he won't let me ahead of him, and decides it's time to run me into the other lane. Fuggin no cool!!!
I got so pissed I couldn't see anything but red for 5 minutes. I called this guy every name in the book and showed him many hand gestures, some of which he might not have ever seen before. I'm actually getting angry just thinking about it. Well anyway, I was very stubborn and put myself and wife in a tad more dangerous situation than I should have. Although there weren't any cars coming the other way for a long long long long way. (miles) But either way the guys 18 wheeler ended up being a foot or two from my truck, with my wife on the closer side. It just wasn't cool. I apologized to her in the middle of the night while she was sleeping as I thought about the situation. I felt so bad I had to apologize right then and there. I couldn't keep my cool, which I should have. It's tough to control emotions, very tough. But I'm trying.

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Postby maleko » Sat Jan 08, 2005 1:59 am

Driving home was a nightmare even for LA standards. 4+ hours to drive a 2 hour drive.

would this be equivalent to a 40 mile drive form makaha to town during rush hour? or how about the #40??

surf was good 2day L^]
Everybody talkin, talkin , talkin dat trash


Postby Jah » Thu Jan 13, 2005 7:30 am

Don't know maleko, never done the rush hour while on vacation. 8)

I tell ya though, it was very bad, even for Los Angeles standards. It took us 2+ hours to go about 8-10 miles. :shock:
The rest of the drive was spotless but those first few miles... :shock:

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kala Alexander

Postby surfer chica » Mon Feb 07, 2005 9:26 pm

He doesnt seem that bad, from when i have seen him,or even been near him! :o [/b]

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