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Postby Kelly7873 » Tue Nov 23, 2004 9:52 am

1st to "Guest". I find that most people who hate body boarders are more concerned with their image as a surfer not actually surfing. I don't have problems with these people because they usually get washed to the beach when the real waves come.

2nd to "Soloman". It wasn't Kainoa who did the beat down on the beach. Kainoa was the guy who paddled out to get the guy to come in and only threw some punches after the other guy threw first. BTW, I wasn't there.

3rd to "blahlah"
First, how come water patrol seemed totally unprepared and unequipped to resolve the situation? I mean, isn't that why you have water patrol at the contest? There had to have been a better way to resolve it then sending someone to beat the guy up.

I believe that the water patrol has no arrest authority. To keep non-contestants out they use intimidation, which is usually enough. If they touch anyone it could be called assault and the contest could be held liable. My question is where was the HPD? Doesn't every contest have to hire officers to stand around? Is that all they do? I heard that the thug ordered the kid into a nearby house and the kid refused (the only wise thing he did all day). Isn't using the threat of force to order someone somewhere they don't want to go kidnapping? Apparently since he got away with it he has appointed himself head sheriff of Pipe. Pipe may need some law and order but their rules goes something like:
1. Me and my friends can do whatever we want.
2. It is against the rules to interfere with rule #1
Note, I never go out at Pipe

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Postby blahlah » Tue Nov 23, 2004 5:47 pm

Kelly7873 wrote:3rd to "blahlah"
First, how come water patrol seemed totally unprepared and unequipped to resolve the situation? I mean, isn't that why you have water patrol at the contest? There had to have been a better way to resolve it then sending someone to beat the guy up.

I believe that the water patrol has no arrest authority. To keep non-contestants out they use intimidation, which is usually enough. If they touch anyone it could be called assault and the contest could be held liable. My question is where was the HPD? Doesn't every contest have to hire officers to stand around? Is that all they do? I heard that the thug ordered the kid into a nearby house and the kid refused (the only wise thing he did all day). Isn't using the threat of force to order someone somewhere they don't want to go kidnapping?

You might be right. So I guess what I think would have been better is that Water Patrol radio to the police at the beach, and an arrest for trespassing at the contest area is made. But that all depends on what the contest permit allows and all the other legal stuff involved.

Also, you are right on about the police standing by. They should have been there right away to break it up. Plus, the whole thing is well documented on tape and video. I never heard about any arrests for this incident. I'm not sure why the police would give so much leeway. Either their getting paid somehow, or they just believe in letting the surfers police themselves.

Thanks for your thoughts.
Brah, it's just like, just get the best barrels ever dude. Just like, pull in, just get spit right out of it, drop in & just smack the lip, WHUH-PACK!! Drop in, BARAAH!!! Then after that, just riding the barrel & get pitted, SO PITTED, like that.


Postby soloman » Tue Nov 23, 2004 6:09 pm

kelly, i knew kainoa was the man in the water. brudda was smart, he was wearing fins. punches land way better, li' dat. i'm saying that i know kainoa, and he's really not like that. i don't even want to tell you what his real job is... i'm saying, as his friend, i was embarrassed that he lost his composure. kainoa is no thug. he is good people.

i believe the other guy was kala alexander??? i dunno... not sure. i dunno that guy. i don't judge him, or the victim. i judge the CROWD watching. reminds me of the roman coliseum and people cheering as christians were fed to the lions. wow, look how far we've come b+b

what i really think about the whole situation is this: a man who can avoid a fight is better than a man who can whoop-ass. it takes true strength of spirit to avoid confrontation, and infinitely more skill.

violence should always be a last resort, and should fit the situation in as most civil a manner as possible. enforcers should never abuse the use of force, lest they lose all RESPECT...

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Postby Haoleboy » Tue Nov 23, 2004 7:50 pm

My unpopular view..

Yknow..I'm really not into seeing some guy get his ass kicked, but sweet jeezus that guy was asking for it. I have as much pity for him as I would the guy walking into the Barrio and yelling "F-you Spics!"
I mean...really. If anyone ever had it coming it was this guy......
If I were in that crowd, saw this dipshit pissing on this piece of earth like that and the boys took care of things..I would have been laughing too. What a f'n dumbass.....
You tickle the Pit Bull, don't be suprised when it bites.

And ditto on Kainoa's character here. Very nice guy. Stoopid haole just pushed the wrong button and got what was comin.

At least he took it like a man and didn't press charges.

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Postby maleko » Tue Nov 23, 2004 8:10 pm

this happened almost a year ago.................drop it already............ L^]
& Kainoa is a good guy too
Everybody talkin, talkin , talkin dat trash

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Postby HMARK » Tue Nov 23, 2004 11:57 pm

avoid a fight is better than a man who can whoop-ass. it takes true strength of spirit to avoid confrontation, and infinitely more skill.

They should have been there right away to break it up.

1. Me and my friends can do whatever we want.
2. It is against the rules to interfere with rule #1

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 7:50 pm Post subject:


My unpopular view..

Yknow..I'm really not into seeing some guy get his ass kicked, but sweet jeezus that guy was asking for it. I have as much pity for him as I would the guy walking into the Barrio and yelling "F-you Spics!"
I mean...really. If anyone ever had it coming it was this guy......

this happened almost a year ago.................drop it already............

If ya look at all the comments recently, I think we all can come to the conclusion that yeah, bro was an idiot, It does take a bigger man to walk away from confrontation (learned from many broke teeth, yours truly) And if 'n you fuck with a cobra, you gonna get bit. No harm meant, but year ago or not, if we as a group, do not learn from past experiences, we are damned to repeat 'em. Even time itself does not take away the magnitude of the occurence. Yeah, we all know if ya fuck with the wrong bro's your ass is candy. But what if you are the one who is wronged? The perp in this video has been said to have Mnetal problems, etc, if he did, shouldnt that grant a bit of reprieve? You dont kick a man if he is allready down, do you? And more so if he is fucked up in the head. Even the N shore morons gotta know when a 'tard is a 'tard.

All I know, is that if the same thing was to happened to a member of my own family, one who was not "all there" ( not including DRUGS ) I would be pissed. And I would want answers. Not for the better, but for the reason behind a mob mentality that so obviously goes over the line. There has gotta be better way to deal with it , is all my point is, why not HPD? Where the hell were they? Did it become a "joke" to them as well? Shit like that in HFD gets you fired. So why no outcry? Cause he was Haole? Bullshit. The meat of the problem stems from our whole lack of concern for the other man, not only from HPD, but from ourselves as surfers, humans and guardians of or fellow man. If all would look after one another, there would be much less of this shit to discuss on wavelust, and much better use of our time, efforts and dedications.

Beers full.

~ God created surfboards so the truly gifted would not rule the world ~

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Postby Haoleboy » Wed Nov 24, 2004 12:40 am

Damn fine points HMARK...

Cheers! L^]

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Postby Jahsurfs! » Wed Dec 01, 2004 5:05 pm

There is an interview with Kala Alexander in the January 2005 Surfing Magazine. I just got it in the mail last night and stumbled across the topic. It starts on page 92 and mentions the fight on page 95. Just a brief paragraph but it's his response on the matter.

Maleko brings up a good point- if it was a year ago, why is it getting hyped now is my question? Is there enough of a public outcry in the surfing community that is revitalizing the situation? I just find it funny that i first viewed the video 2 weeks ago, then I have seen a few different BB's have topics on it and now it pops up in my magazine. Odd, no?
Though shall be nice to everything that moves 8)


Postby Guest » Thu Dec 02, 2004 7:32 pm

Jahsurfs! wrote: why is it getting hyped now is my question? ?

A. Cuz they're all a bunch of screaming, whining bitches.


Postby Guest » Fri Nov 04, 2005 9:24 pm

all you haole's that go to hawaii and think you're bad need your ass kicked!


Postby Jeyetik » Sun Nov 06, 2005 10:06 am

I work at a certain restaurant/nightclub in town and one of the bouncers is a north shore charger. He runs about 6'4" 250 lbs. and not a lot of brains. Anyway, he often surfs Full Point during the summer and one sunday there was a contest(Hasa or Nssa, whatever). Well Kainoa was running water patrol and my bouncer friend was determined to surf. He paddled out and Kainoa asked him to go in. Well bouncer friend says its sunday and I'm surfing, sorry Kainoa. Kainoa did nothing.
Quiet different when the violater would beast water patrol. No more confrontation, no problems and bouncer friend got uncrowded Full Point.
No disrespect intended to anyone, just stating fact.

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Postby LGREANZ » Mon Nov 07, 2005 7:39 pm



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Postby red » Fri Nov 11, 2005 12:43 am

I'm a lover not a fighter. Okay, so I'm not much of a lover either but I can blow a mean spit bubble.

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Postby Puerto_Rico_Surfer » Mon Nov 28, 2005 4:49 am

I never got to see the video, and I've searched and googled looking for it. Do any of you have a link to it. I know it happened a while back, but I would like to see what all the fuss was about.
"Keep firing, make your attackers advance through a wall of bullets. You may get killed with your own gun, but they'll have to beat you to death with it, because it's going to be empty!"

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